Thursday, December 17, 2009

OMHII Management

  • At least one corp mining op will take place to cover the corp expenses weekly. Unless we all had a bad week then more might be needed. (It is not required to join, but it is recommended.)
  • Corp incomes/expenses will be posted weekly (on Saturday) in order to keep a transparent corp operations.
All members that contribute to corp will be paid accordingly. (This is to encourage member's participation of corp operations.) For overlapping roles/titles and multiple alts in corp, only the highest payout of roles/titles/toons applies. It does not add up. Payouts are listed below:
  • CEO - 4M isk per week
  • Director - 3M isk per week
  • Accountant - 1M isk per week
  • WH POS Technician - 2M isk per week
*** Up to additional 50M isk per week will divided up to ANYONE who helps out the corp. Including hauling corp items, buy/sell for corp, setup corp assets, and so on. All officers can take part too, this an additional bonus***

OMHII Benefits

  • Provide training/tips for all new players. as well as mining/mission ops to cut down on the learning curve.
  • Provide chances to experience and practice PvP at your own pace. (it is not required for member to involve in PvP, but it's recommended.)
  • Any ship lost during the corp ops (and corp ops only) can be replaced by corp funds free of charge.
***** more should follow in the future *****

OMHII Events/Ops

  • At least one corp mining op will take place to cover the corp expenses weekly. Unless we all had a bad week then second op might be needed. (It is not required to join, but it is recommended.)
  • Any other mining or mission running ops for personal wallets, the person in charge will have to figure out the payout and cuts.
  • PvP practice (mock battle, last man stand, or tournament) will take place every other week. Most likely on Saturday to make it more time friendly for our EU friends.
  • We will also have low sec roam on regular basis. The goal is to get everyone familiar with fleet ops/take orders/being shot at. We DO NOT pirate, the low sec roam is to shoot pirate or defend ourselves when under attack.
  • Lvl 5 missions ops will be available regularly whenever it landed in high sec. Mail will be posted to notify everyone.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

OMHII Titles/Rights

Everyone in the corp will receive a title based on their roles and involvement. The title comes with certain privileges/rights in corp, and they are the following:
  • CEO - Has access to absolutely everything in the corp
  • Director - Has access to almost absolutely everything in the corp (with an exception of one corp wallet division that has a couple billion isk in reserve).
  • Senior Accountant - Has access to corp contract, auditing, and corp wallet (with an exception of one corp wallet division that has a couple billion isk in reserve).
  • Junior Accountant - Has access to VIEW corp wallet divisions, that is about it.
  • WH POS Technician - Has access to ALL corp assets in WH POS, and all corp hangar tabs.
  • WH POS personal - Has access to ship maintenance array in WH POS and corp hangars (with exceptions of "OMHII Fleet" and "Supply Depot" tabs).
  • Warcheif - Has access to"Item Exchange" and "Ship Exchange" tabs in corp hangars.
  • Peon - Has no access to anything
DO NOT GIVE access to people who DO NOT have access. It is set up this way to give a clear chain of command as well as prevent spies/corp thief.

OMHII Rules of Engagement

  • We follow CONCORD regulations in high and low-security Empire space.
  • We respect the rules of sovereign NRDS space.
  • We aim for diplomatic solutions before exercising force in w-space, when practicable.
  • We fly free of constraint in known 0.0 space which is lawless or occupied by NBSI pilots.
  • We enjoy shooting outlaws, but are not ideologically anti-pirate.
  • We don't participate in scamming, can-flipping, and excessive smacktalk, preserving the corporation's image and integrity

OMHII Membership Requirements

  • You have played EVE actively for at least one month
  • You provide a limited access API key or page (only directors need see this, you can send it via EVEmail)
  • You are not Kill-On-Sight to Gallente Federation (your modified faction standing must remain above -5.0).
  • You commit to abiding by our Rules of Engagement
  • You are prepared (as a player and as a character) to participate in defense of OMHII and our alliance (MPA) in some fashion (PVP, POS repair, POS gunnery)
  • When you choose to participate in corporate operations and corp-supported activities (such as w-space), you work smoothly and co-operatively with others and follow operational procedures
  • You refrain from scamming, can-flipping, and excessive smacktalk, preserving the corporation's image and integrity
  • You are sufficiently mature and fun to fly with (this will usually be established already by your referral)